Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today is the first of October, which means its been too long since Ive written a post.
Im gonna keep it short today, and just share with you my recipe for smoothies. Mike and I got a blender as a wedding gift, and I hadn't used it before these last couple of weeks. I don't know if it will crush ice, (growing up mom had a blender, and it was quite old, it couldn't handle crushing ice).
For my smoothies I don't use ice. So it doesn't really matter.
It a really easy recipe, and you can play around with it and add what ever you want to it.

1 cup of milk
1 cup of frozen strawberries.
1 teaspoon of sugar (or artificial sweetener)

We have also made some where we add a scoop of frozen sherbet. We have tried it with orange and raspberry. I like the raspberry better.

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