Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Farmer's Market at Clarendon

Wednesday afternoon is the Clarendon's farmer's market. I took Mike lunch and on the way home I passed by the sign that said it started at 3.
We had lunch at the GW yard. Behind us is the library. 
I decided to go by and pick up some veggies. I really do notice a difference between store bought and home grown, especially after having our garden.
I didn't over do it, no use in buying a bunch and then having it go bad before we can eat it. So I got: 1 tomato, 4 zucchinis, and about a pound (which if I didn't know spanish the abbreviation for pound would make no sense, how do you get lb from pound. In spanish it libra so lb isn't completely wacko) of green beans.
Once I saw the green beans I decided to make a yummy family recipe of green beans, potatoes and ham. Mom didn't make it super often growing up, but when she did, it was very yummy. Its so easy to make, and only takes up one pot (with no dish washer, thats a score!)
Just peel the potatoes, and cut them into half or quarters. Then take the ham and cut it into the same sized pieces and add the green beans. No spices or extras. The ham flavors it all. Cover with water and boil till the potatoes and green beans are done.
I didn't get a picture of my plate at the beginning of the meal, so here it is half way eaten. 
Then pull out all your ingredients (I keep some of the water to add to the left overs, all the ham flavoring is in the water)
Mash the potatoes which are not dry and only really need a little salt.
I usually make a big pot (and the first time I made it, I had to use two big pots and we had lefts overs for ever)
I only used about half of the ham I bought. So i froze the rest. Thinking on it now, I wish I would have cut it into chunks before I froze it. Ill have to remember that next time.
Total cost is not much:
$1.50 for greens beans
$2.00 for about half a bag of potatoes
$11.00 for the ham (only used half of it, so $5.50)
$9.00 for the meal. ($4.50 per person!)

And I still have left overs for tomorrow!

With the cost of living being higher here in Washington DC, I am trying to do more meals like this, were I can really save. One big save is not eating out!

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