Thursday, August 15, 2013

Jogging and Jobbing

This is my life this week. Mike has had orientation to take up his days. So job hunting has been on my to do list.
I have also started jogging again! Its been almost 3 months since I broke my ankle in Alaska, and this week I went for my first runs. The first one was a short one mile in the neighborhood to get to see a little more, found out there is a Cheesecake factory really too close to the house. And my second run was here:

 That is Roosevelt Island. Its not too far from the house, but I did drive there. How long before I don't first think about driving, and walking or biking become the established more of transportation.
I ran about 2 miles this second time. My ankle still hurts, especially at the begging, and I still favor that leg. But its getting better each time I do it.

1 comment:

  1. You're not spoiled at all with all those great running places right nearby! Take it easy, though. Last thing you want to do is re-injure your ankle!
    Love you!
